About Blockchain

Before diving into the details, it’s important to understand what blockchain is and how it functions. A blockchain database is a kind of database in which data is stored in a series of blocks are linked together. New data is stored in a new block whenever it arrives. If the block is filled with data, it is chained to the previous block, forming a chronological data chain. The following are some of the attributes of blockchain.

  • Storage Structure
  • Decentralization
  • Transparency

What is Hyperledger Composer?

Under the Hyperledger project, Hyperledger composer is a suite of business-oriented tools for developing enterprise blockchain applications. Under the Hyperledger project, Hyperledger composer is a business-oriented set of instruments for developing venture blockchain applications. Hyperledger Composer is based on implicit JavaScript, a stage-free programming language that also supports the use of underlying libraries and makes use of available capabilities and contents to make utilities more scalable and reusable. Composer is a blockchain application development platform that makes creating Hyperledger fabric blockchain application easier and faster. In the summer of 2019, work on the composer came to a halt, and it is now part of the more robust Hyperledger Fabric network.

The following are some of the most important aspects of the Hyperledger:

  • For the initial development of any program, Hyperledger composer used the built-in API.
  • Hyperledger is a business-to-business technology.
  • Iroha, sawtooth, cloth, Indy, and burrow are all Hyperledger frameworks.
  • Composer, cello, Quilt, and Explorer are Hyperledger elements.
  • Hyperledger is used to create and deploy applications.

How to build your application using Hyperledger Composer (HC)

Hyperledger Composer is a collection of JavaScript-based tools & scripts for building Hyperledger Fabric networks. We can make the following components with these tools:

  • Business Network Archive (BNA)
  • Composer Playground
  • Composer REST Server

vDoIT has proven its expertise in Hyperledger composer in HR and Supply Chain and supports multiple companies in implementing Blockchain based solutions based on mentioned framework. vDoIT also offers Hyperledger composer and Blockchain consulting and training.

vDoIT is proud to inform that a Blockchain based solution developed by vDoIT i.e. www.talenting.io got acquired by industrial pioneer based in USA.

Please refer – https://finance-yahoo-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/job-com-acquires-blockchain-startup-140000429.html