About FinTech

FinTech is a concept that combines the words “finance” &  “technology” to describe any company that employs technology for improving or automate financial services and processes. Mobile Payments, for example, changed the way we handle our money thanks to fast and creative advances. Technically savvy clients, especially millennials, expect cash transfers, loans, credit cards, and contributions to be simple, safe, and flexible, ideally without the assistance of a person or a bank visit.

Work Culture of FinTech

FinTech is not a brand-new business, but that’s the only one that has developed at an incredible rate. Whether it was the advent of credit cards in the 1950s or ATMs, electronic trading floors, personal finance applications, and high-frequency trading in the decades that followed, technology has always been a part of the financial world.

FinTech can differ from one project to the next, and from one application to the next. In some of the most recent developments, blockchain, ML algorithms, & data science are being employed to do almost everything from credit risk processing to hedge fund management.

FinTech Solutions are employed in various ways

  • Banking

The FinTech industry may include a significant portion of mobile banking. In the world of private finance, consumers are proliferating demanding convenient digital access to their accounts, more likely on mobile devices. Mobile banking is now available at almost all major banks.

  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency are the product of FinTech. Even though both technologies are not considered FinTech, there are applications where all three can operate together to provide new types of financial solutions.

  • Savings & Investment

In recent years, FinTech has triggered an explosion in several investing & investment applications. Companies are lowering the barriers to spending more than ever before. Although the vDoIT apps take different approaches, they all use a bunch of savings & easy, small-dollar investment to get people into the markets.

  • ML & Trading

While able to forecast about where stocks will go is the goblet of finance. It’s no surprise that machine learning is becoming more popular in FinTech, given the billions of dollars at stake. The strength of this AI subset is its ability to process bulk data using algorithms that recognise patterns and risks.

  • Insurance

Despite the fact that insurtech is rapidly growing in popularity, but still it comes under the FinTech. Since insurance is a late adopter of technology, many FinTech companies are collaborating with traditional insurers to streamline processes & expand coverage. The industry is struggling with a lot of innovation, from mobile car insurance to health insurance wearables.

FinTech Solutions specialists at vDoIT assist financial institutions, asset management, finance, and insurance companies in transforming their businesses with custom financial services applications and FinTech software for evolving consumer needs, speeding up time to market, competing through technology, uncovering valuable business insights, and enhancing the security of end-products.